Northwind Solar – Stevens Point, WI

North Wind Solar is a solar power system design and installation company organized in 2007 in Stevens Point, WI. Its mission is to educate people on the numerous benefits of solar power and to deliver clean solar electricity to the utility grid in order to help people take concrete steps to combat climate change, resource depletion, and to enhance energy security in their own lives. In 2016, the company began the process of transitioning to a worker-owned cooperative. The owner saw the opportunity to solicit long term commitment from key employees and to build wealth on their behalf, to improve governance, management, and decision-making and to build strong relationships with like-minded businesses and organizations in the communities we serve. They completed the transition in April of 2017.

Location: Stevens Point, Wisconsin
Industry: Solar
Number of employees: 12
Became employee owned: 2017
Assistance: University of Wisconsin Center for Cooperatives

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Employee Owned Small Businesses in Wisconsin

Employee Owned Small Businesses in Solar

Employee Owned Small Businesses Assisted by The University of Wisconsin Center for Cooperatives