Company Stories
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- 2019
- 2020
- 2021
- 2023
- AAA Front page
- Adirondack North Country Association
- Admin
- Advertising
- Alabama
- Alaska
- Architecture and Design
- Arizona
- Arkansas
- Assess
- Assistance
- Automotive
- Bakery
- Basic examples
- Berkeley
- Beyster Institute
- Bicycle
- Bookkeeping
- Books
- Building Materials
- California
- Capital Impact Partners
- Carolina Common Enterprise
- Center for Community Based Enterprise
- Chapter
- Chicago
- Childcare
- Cincinnati Union Cooperative Initiative
- City
- Cleaning
- Closed
- Co-op Dayton
- Coffee
- Colorado
- Concerned Capital
- Connecticut
- Construction
- Consulting
- Consulting
- Converted
- Cooperation Buffalo
- Cooperative Development Institute
- Cooperative Development Services
- Cooperative Fund of the Northeast
- Core
- Delaware
- Democracy at Work Institute
- Design
- Durham
- Elder Care
- Energy
- Execute
- Explore
- Farming
- Florida
- Food and Beverage
- Founded
- Fund for Employee Ownership
- General
- Georgia
- Grocery
- Hardware
- Hawaii
- Health
- Home Care
- ICA Group
- Idaho
- Illinois
- In Process
- Indiana
- Industry
- Interpretation
- Iowa
- Jason Wiener p.c.
- Kansas
- Kentucky
- Landscaping
- Law
- Local Enterprise Assistance Fund
- Long Island Progressive Coalition
- Los Angeles
- Louisiana
- Louisville
- Maine
- Manufacturing
- Maryland
- Massachusetts
- Media
- Michigan
- Micro
- Minnesota
- Mississippi
- Missouri
- Montana
- Multistakeholder
- Music
- Nebraska
- Nevada
- New Hampshire
- New Jersey
- New Mexico
- New York
- New York City
- News
- Nexus Community Partners
- North Carolina
- North Carolina Employee Ownership Center
- North Dakota
- Northwest Cooperative Development Center
- Oakland
- Ohio
- Ohio Employee Ownership Center
- Oklahoma
- Onondaga SBDC
- Oregon
- Origin
- Pennsylvania
- Pennsylvania Center for Employee Ownership
- Pet Services
- Philadelphia
- Philadelphia Area Cooperative Alliance
- Policy
- Printing
- Project Equity
- Property Management
- Publishing
- Recreation and Tourism
- Restaurant
- Retail
- Retail Interior
- Rhode Island
- Rocky Mountain Employee Ownership Center
- Rural
- San Francisco
- Shared Capital Cooperative
- Small
- Solar
- South Carolina
- South Dakota
- Special Topics
- State
- Structure
- Sustainable Economies Law Center
- Taxi
- Tech
- Tennessee
- Texas
- The Democracy Collaborative
- The Industrial Commons
- The Working World
- U.S. Federation of Worker Cooperatives
- Uncategorized
- Union
- University of Wisconsin Center for Cooperatives
- Upside Down Consulting
- Utah
- Vermont
- Vermont Employee Ownership Center
- Virginia
- Washington
- Washington Area Community Investment Fund
- Washington DC
- West Virginia
- Wisconsin
- Worcester Roots
- Worker Cooperative
- Workers to Owners
- Wyoming
- Year completed