Insource Renewables – Pittsfield, ME

Insource Renewables is a solar installation business in Pittsfield, Maine. The original owner recognized his limited capacity to continue to manage and grow his business as a sole proprietor and saw conversion to employee-ownership as a solution that would balance his lifelong commitment and anticipated growth of the business. Insource Renewables provides a unique opportunity of living wage jobs that attract and retain young workers who might otherwise leave the region.

Industry: Solar
Location: Pittsfield, Maine
Number of employees: 19
Became employee owned: 2019
Assistance: Cooperative Development Institute (CDI)
Financing: Cooperative Fund of New England (CFNE)

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Employee Owned Small Businesses in Solar

Employee Owned Small Businesses in Maine

Employee Owned Small Businesses Assisted by CDI

Employee Owned Small Businesses Assisted by Cooperative Fund of New England